Friday, December 14, 2007

Semantic Naming Conventions for CSS

Be Consistent

Consistently write the code the same way. This helps make the code easier to read and more managible.

Be Managable

As well as consistency, you may have to do other things to help other people on your team manage code more easily like not using shortcuts when working with programmers who are less familiar with css and having a set of semantic naming conventions for everyone to use.

Semantic Naming Conventions

Consider "structural naming, as opposed to presentational naming" - Eric

Consider the semantic role. Here's a naming conventions table of names used on popular websites.

Using the same names helps write code faster. This means that you may end up writing the same code over and over. A CSS Framework can help you use the CSS you have already written for other projects.

CSS Frameworks

Here is a place to start on the subject:

Other ways to make your life easier

Introducing BleachedBlack and White: without the distractions of colour


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