A yard sale is to get rid of things. Sell on ebay or craigslist if you want top dollar.
- group sale
- be ready the night before
- price carefully
- label well
- do not bad mouth your items
- be less flexible at the start and willing to bargain as the day goes on
- write down each item and how much you sold it for
- keep money on you not in cash box
- check all pockets and purses to make sure you are not giving away hidden valuables
- schedule on a non-holiday weekend and on paydays (1st and 15th)
- give friends/family boxes weeks ahead of time if they want to get rid of stuff at your sale
- let your neighbors know ahead of time (may evolve into a block sale)
- post a start time
- Move your cars so others will have room to park
- roll of quarters
- 25 singles
- 2-3 fives
- paper & pen
- purse, fanny pack, or deep pockets to keep money on you
- large boxes for signs and makeshift tables
- rocks to weigh down sign boxes
- blankets and/or table cloths
- radio
- paper and/or poster board
- tape
- markers
- print outs of amazon/ebay info for more expensive items
- extension cord & batteries to test electronics
- ice and drinks for sellers and to sell
- place to hang clothes
- tall mirror
- hangers
- masking tape or colored dots for pricing
- calculator
- newspapers and small boxes for items sold that need packaging
- tape measure
- Have a collector's or boutique section or table for stuff of higher value
- highly desirable items near road
- if you don't have tables, you can stack large boxes and lay a blanket over them
- play background music (that everyone will love-like johnny cash)
- categories like shoes all at the same price point makes things easier on everyone
- offer bulk discounts (ie. 5 for a dollar on 25 cent items)
- free section
- sort by size
- provide changing area and mirror if you are able
- $1 or less section
- $5 or less section
- rug or blanket on ground for toys and play area
- put cash table near the entrance
- specialty sections like kitsch or vintage to attract buyers who value those items
- "10 cents" box
Getting the word out
- advertise
- post on craigslist
- simple yet effective signs (large card board box as sign)
- sign's with big bold text!
- free classifieds
Closing Time
- slash prices or move stuff to free section
- donate to charity with a pick up service if you have a lot of huge items
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