Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lowest Level of Effort is Better Than No Effort

I just read how to blog about code and give zero fucks. It made me think about this blog. I used this blog through most of 2007 in the manner he describes except I sometimes spent too much time thinking about posts though. I learned a lot. It changed how I approached coding. It became my bookmarking, my pins, my gimmes etc. My favorites were too cluttered to be useful anymore.

I wanted to learn how to explain things, post examples of my findings, learn about how SEO works within my own field and learn about how much work goes into blogging (even when you give zero fucks). Three cheers to not having to be perfect to be on the internet!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Text Only Browsers, SEO and Accessibility

A text only browser reflects both how a search engine and assistive technologies, such as a screen reader, will display your site to users. This information needs to make sense.

Lynx viewer
a text only browser to check your site

w3c accessibility guidelines
WCAG10 guidelines for a more accessible site