Monday, June 25, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Art is for artists to talk about - nevermind you, you commercially employed worker cranking out disposible art as fast as you can

Critics and Their Purpose talks about the impotance of an artist's intention. Therefore, it should be safe to assume that pieces without intention are a waste of criticism.

Designing Under the Influence included some interesting and non-so-interesting comments:

"Similarly, at this stage of design and art history, I wonder if knowing all the precedents might actually inhibit a designer's ability to get any work done."

--- It's discouraging. I'm suppose to brace a contraint that no matter how much information I memorize I will always stand the possiblity of being accused of copying someone.

"If you don't know who Barbara Kruger (or anyone else for that matter) is, are you not in the slightest way driven to find out? I would question your motives in becoming a Graphic Designer if you really haven't got the slightest interest in Graphic Design (Harsh, but it certainly seems that way)."

--- I don't know who Barbara Kruger is. I probably don't know half of the "anyone else" on her list for that matter. College Education is not standardized. Not everyone will have exposure to the same artists. I'm not slightly driven to find out who "futura bold italic in white on solid color" is. My artistic interests are not the same as hers (Harsh, I know).

Ok! Ok, ok, ok, ok, I'm off topic and so is the person who wrote that comment.

Here are the serious questions that this comment posses. Why would anyone need to study every artist presented to them? Why is it not ok to know every artist? Can artists be allowed to learn about art in their own way AND not be accused of being "not driven" or "uninterested"? Should anyone who doesn't know who Barbara Kruger is just fucking die? What's more cool - asking questings to understand OR making presumptive remarks followed by self declarations of what a "harsh" observer you are?

Why History? Why Bother? poses the question: what merits of your work as a graphic designer could replace the importance of your client list?

The Ecstacy of Influence talks about plagerism, intellectual property, unailienable rights, copyrights, and gifts

Clarifying design from art:
"...I don’t think any design succeeds on visual merit alone. That’s called art. Whereas design is only one part of a larger process that creates something (web app, store, propaganda campaign, etc.) where success is determined as a whole." - Greg Storey in a comment on Pretty Ugly

Monday, June 11, 2007

Controlling Your IP Address

When trying to research google results from other countries, it was suggested on the Search Guide forum to "try accessing Google via a UK proxy server". They linked to who has a list of sites that provide free proxy server lists.

By looking around on the site I realized that I should "stay invisible" when doing SEO work because it involves going to client's competitor sites.

An extension for google searches is provided on this webmasterworld discussion about Adwords.

Make sure you geo-target correctly in Adwords:
You can specify coordinates to limit the geoterritory. You need to go to Campaign, "Edit Settings" and change the geotargeting (lower right corner). Select "Customized location targeting" and the center point of your target, and the radius. Easy.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Yellow Submarine Artists

Art Director: Heinz Edelmann [Yellow Submarine pictures] [2005 exhibit]
"Edelmann, along with his contemporary Milton Glaser [I love New York fame], pioneered the psychedelic style" - Wikipedia
Notable Animators: Paul Driessen [Beyond the Blue Meanies], Cam Ford, Anne Jolliffe, Tony Cuthbert, Geoff Collins, Jim Hiltz, Ron Campbell and Hester Coblenz

Artwork often falsely attributed to Peter Max

Reading List:
A tribute to Heinz Edelmann
Milton Glaser profile


Mozilla Style Guide

A good example of what is expected of a web designer... Documentation Style Guide

Monday, June 04, 2007

DIY not do it ALL yourself

“A DIY-er might take 10 hours to do what we accomplish in a 5-minute thumbnail. " - Raymond Prucher, Voice on diy graphic design

"Specialization is efficient. In fact, it’s even efficient to let others do things you might do as well as they can, if you can do something else even better. “Why Michael Jordan doesn’t mow his own lawn” is one way to express this idea, which economists call “comparative advantage.” - By Virginia Postrel, Your Design Here , Print Magazine

I guess I should go to K-mart

I read this last Friday:

"Kmart was my odd corporate sleeping pill. " in Attention Kmart Shoppers: The Closing of a beloved friend by Kate Bingaman from

I just read this today:

“I never thought I’d see anything like this from Kmart.” —JEREMY LEHRER, NEW YORK CITY in Inside the Regional Design Annual [Print, RDA 2006]

Entreprenuer Alternatives

I just read So, Sweetie, I Quit to Bake Cupcakes by By AUDREY DAVIDOW [June 3, 2007 - T: Style Magazine].

In this article about people starting their own bakeries, Clare Crespo talks about the idea of owning a bakery, "it’s still so much pressure and work — waking up early and making the same thing every day." Instead she has a mobile bakery stand in Silverlake, L.A. which only opens when she wants.
“This is more like playing bakery.”

The "playing bakery" scenario is the reason I like the idea of online commerce. It is as much work as you want it to be. It can still be a hobby without the pressure of running a full blown business.

Be an enabler

"In the beginning, circa 1968, there was The Whole Earth Catalog, the catalyst and model for the do-it-yourself movement. Subtitled “Access to Tools,” it told readers where to find the information, equipment, and supplies to do their own thing—from brewing beer to illuminating books. " - Print Magazine

DIY Tool Accessibility has flourished but it needs to be convenient to enable the current culture in the right direction. They have an addiction to convenience. They've been enabled by the wrong people.

What is the bedrock of good writing?

Advice for bloggers, copy writers, seo, and introspection:

"While passion does indeed help to make an emotional connection with the reader, it’s hardly the bedrock of good writing. A piece of writing without at least several of the following qualities (in no particular order) will amount to very little:
1. New information or arguments

2. Exceptional knowledge of a subject

3. Relevance to readership

4. Range and depth of research

5. Accuracy of reporting

6. Capacity to weigh the evidence, and reliability of judgement

7. Quality of writing style

8. Originality of individual sensibility and approach
And, if these standards are to be maintained, proper editing is vital." - Rick Poynor (From Print Magazine article "Easy Writer")

-- Begin rambling --

I quoted out this text because when the above link ends up dead and no search for this article actually brings up article text, I want to have a memory of the most important part of the article - the information I need to write better.

While this blog I am writting in is intended for use by no one other than myself (hence, no effort in presentation), I would like some of the posts to evolve to well written pieces of reference.

This article introduced me to Speak Up who I hope will influence designers to stop making obvious negative remarks about everything. I didn't know why all designers I encounter seem to talk very similar to the origins of their approach to discussing design. The designers I've encountered are far less experienced and seem to equate originality and innovation with censure.

This type of dialogue happened in every college course I attended (Social Science, Physics, Psychology, Biology, Art History, Programming, Audio Recording, Feminism) :

Someone always would make some obvious proclaimation to the effect of "[Insert subject matter] isn't really like that and here's a list of vauge enough statements that imply my point."

It used to be me and I stopped the first time another kid in my class did it. I was no longer the rebel without a cause.

I had to evolve to be better than a standard negative approach or I'd just be like those other formulaic rebels.

It takes a little confidence to debate something just to debate it.

You need more than confidence to spend the kind of time examining something from every possible view point and be willing to accept any possible combination of truth as a result of your research even if it doesn't sound edgy. You put away pride, you think, you rethink, you research, you study, you create endless questions, you don't stop until all your questions are answered, you accept that you may not be right, you accept your biases, you accept that time will change everything. If you don't feel like putting in this kind of effort, you inform your listeners of that.

My point is to humble yourself and realize exactly how much you know in comparison to what you could know. Be honest with everyone. Make a statement and explain it for what it is - bias, conclusive research by examining diverse views, or just a book report on the last book you read. People will respect your honesty and not think that you are just an arrogant hack. You'll be amazed how many people are ok with bias remarks. If less people are intimidated by the mystery of your sources, they will feel more comfortable in suggesting things that you may not have read. It might change your life.

-- EO rambling --

Follow the 8 steps. Learn what each step truely means.

Websites People Read

Examining Consumer Culture

How VARIETY AND CHOICE affect cunsumers

I get melt down

Friday, June 01, 2007

These stock photo sites will buy your pictures

Shutter Stock
Dreams Time
Lucky Oliver
Feature Pics

What's My IP Address
This is useful for a quick reference when creating filters on web analytics applications.

DJs, Remixes, Downloads, Set Lists, & Play Lists

DJ Skeet Skeet (LA)

Chris Walla from DCFC offers his recordings

What DJs listen to:
Skeet Skeet on

My Request List
Gotta Get Thru This - Daniel Bedingfield

Set List found 09/21/07 on alltomorrowsparties
1. Boy From School, Hot Chip
2. Umbrella (Haji and Emmanuel Remix), Rhianna
3. 100% (Extended Mix), Crystal Waters
4. Yeah yea (Flosstradamus Remix), Matt and Kim
5. Dance (MSTRKRFT Remix), Justice
6. Escape (Bloody Beatroots Remix), Toxic Avenger
7. Mens Needs (CSS Remix), The Cribs
8. Piano Man, Ghostland Observatory
9. Got Your Money, ODB
10. Music Is My Hot Hot Sex, CSS
1. Raspberry Beret - Prince
2. Goody Two Shoes - Adam Ant
3. Icky Thump - White Stripes
4. 20th Century Boy - T. Rex
5. Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra
6. One Way Or Another - CSS
7. Rebellion (lies) - Arcade Fire
8. TV Babies (Crystal Castles Rmx) - Comic Book Fever
9. That's All - Genesis
10. Don't Stop Me Now - Queen