Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Using Forums for SEO

SEO Forums

Link Building

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dental Insurance for NYC Freelancers

There is a list of providers at

You would need to create your own comparison chart/spreadsheet based on your needs and fill in as you view each plan individually. A person may know they need to replace something, gets cavities frequently, never get cavities, want to get braces, or have molars that need to be removed. The deductibles and annual fees don't vary much between providers but the pricing of these things do and they are broken down for each plan.

Health Insurance for NYC Freelancers

Judging by the discussion at Freelancer's Union, health insurance is hard to find at both an affordable price and with good benefits. Reading the forum will provide good advice from other freelancer's who have already used FU's services and have done some comparison shopping with other providers.

Freelancers appear to be having problems with the services to be offered by FU in 2009. A discussion from dissatisfied users goes into further details at Some users in the forum have found that in their particular situation, the cost and benefits works well. Reading specifics of other people's experiences will help you determine what will work for you. Freelancers are discussing other providers, such as...

  • Healthy New York (HNY)
  • FIC
  • Media Bistro

Qualifications for these plans can cause difficulty getting accepted. For example, HNY requires that...

  • income must be less than $2100/ mo
  • must have "lost" insurance (COBRA discontinued) or been without insurance for at least 12 months

Overall forum users are recommending...

  • to not go without insurance (get something while you are still deciding)
  • making sure that you qualify before applying (a non-refundable fee is charged to apply)
  • do not purchase the dental insurance through Freelancer's Union because the cost outweighs the benefits

Freelance Switch does a good job at explaining your health insurance options as a freelancer.  Some are what has been mentioned above as well as a few additional ones.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Gathering Stats about A Company

Sites you can use to gather stats about your company...

Friday, November 14, 2008

How to create a Design Playlist

Hear about a new site that features good design - a good one with unique content that really stands out?

I did...

Then I googled it.

When you google "grain edit", you get a list of sites to check out:

  1. The actual site: Grain Edit - someone who collects design
  2. Unplggd - home tech design
  3. a new flickr profile to explore:
  4. Design Sponge - design blog
  5. Josh Spear - trend spotting
  6. ISO50 - designer portfolio and personal blog
  7. BestWebGallery - web design gallery site
  8. workalicious - a work space blog

A good mix of various design sites. They all will bring you to lots of other sites if you have several hours to kill. Some were new to me, some were sites that I visit regularly, and all were sites that if I never heard of, I would be glad I did.  I think I may try this again although I guess it would be the same as going through someone's bookmarks-another thing I rarely do.

Googling "link:" just brought up another site...

Found which led to....

Sam Pott's Brooklyn Superhero Supply

Writing A Review

here is an example of a paid review written for at

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Theme Forest

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Shopping Resources

Bargain shopping for office supplies?

Here are sites that can help get the best deal:

Become an Online Power-Shopper

Business Lunches?

Buy $25 Restaurant Gift Cards for $2


Five Best Personal Finance Tools




Quicken online

Monday, October 27, 2008

SEO designers/artists

Create profiles to feature your work on sites listed on 17 Websites to Boost Your Designer Profile

Client and Project Management

Client Management

Managing Clients Expectations had these points...

"It’s up to you to put the phone to voice mail when your workday is at an end."

How to avoid promising too much, "...consider that every hour you give away is money your business is losing."

"let the client know that you’re giving extra time and why. You need to make it clear that this is a one-time occurrence and not something to be repeated, and let the client know that even when they get only what they contracted for, they are getting valuable service."

Some advice for specific types of clients can be found at 12 Breeds of Clients and How to Work With Them 


To determine a rate, use the Freelance Switch Calculator which helps calculate costs / # of hours you can bill a year.

In the beginning, give a basic timeline and estimate to make sure that the client can afford and time permits the project.

For fixed pricing, you will need more paperwork than with hourly pricing. Start with a baseline based on time estimated. You can use milestones (defined by specific set of features) to break up projects. Estimate for additional time and only charge for time worked.

Hourly rate is preferred and should definitely be expected when working at site.

Can read more about Hourly vs Fixed Pricing at

Requirements Document

Create a design brief that "...clearly outlines what the client wants..." and "If at any time the client changes a requirement or asks for extra work which is not in the requirements document, then the freelancer has every right to charge a secondary fee for any extra work required." - A recommendation from The Price is Right

scope creep - when the client intentionally or unintentionally trys to change the original requirements of a project


sick days


hours developing and managing a business


unpaid invoices












legal fees


office supplies


association fees

Estimating a Timeframe

Break project into small pieces. If you are having difficulty determining time, then break down smaller. Cushion each piece with extra time to create an overall cushion.

Both you and the client should agree on a clearly defined outcome in order to avoid wasting your time and breaking deadline.

Communicate each step. That way you will be informed if you are headed in the wrong direction right away.

Design Brief

The following is from Shawn Crowley's Ultimate Design Brief


Format: (pdf, eps, psd)



What are you providing the designer with: (high resolution photographs, diagrams, etc.)

Format: (printer formatting specs)

Message objectives: (Hierarchy of copy messages, treatment of headlines, body copy, visuals, product samples, call-to-action)

Where to look for inspiration: Give brief examples of style / overall look you want the item to achieve. What aspects of the product or branding can be used as a starting point for the design? What feelings or metaphors reflect the spirit of your product or company?

What not to do: Also give examples of what the design shouldn’t include and what styles to avoid. 

Project Management 

Establish a clearly defined outcome.

Set a deadline that includes time of day.

Create a timeline.

"detailed timelines have a tendency to fall apart after a week or two, so it should be clear that it’s a flexible timeline."

Step By Step

Only set a deadline for the next step (one that can be completed in a day or less). When you are done, send to the client to demonstrate accountability. Then set a new deadline for next step. Communicating each step "...can actually make the project take longer, but in the end you’ll have a better product and the client will be happier. This continual feedback loop is actually integral to a successful project, and building it into the process makes sense."

Overall Time Management

“...'too busy' doing client work - an excuse that guarantees both feet stay on the treadmill. But even one or two hours a week spent honing your highest-value skills can take you up a notch, allowing you to charge more (and work less)." - Freelance Switch discusses The Point of Being a Freelancer 

Outsourcing SEO

How To Efficiently Outsource SEO Campaigns

*The Best Places to Find Cheap Yet Reliable Outsourcing

Local SEO

7 Offline Local Search Link Building Tips for Small Businesses

Other Resources

How To Manage the Impossible Client

10 Questions You Should be Asking Your Client But Aren’t

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dot Net Nuke (DNN) Copyright Comment

DNN will write a copyright comment in the head of all your documents. If you like to remove these comments, here's what you do:

log in as host, go to host->host settings and uncheck the 'show copyright credits', this will remove those and other comments, including the version number in the title bar.

Monday, September 29, 2008

SEO Directories (Store)

SEO Directories (Travel)

OScommerce Set Up

Domain Name

Make sure the domain name resolves. Don't try to set up with numeric IP.

You will need to update the following files to update the domain information if you started with a different domain or used the IP address:

  • catalog/includes/configure.php
  • catalog/admin/includes/configure.php

OScommerce Set Up

Installation Guides

How to install an OScommerce Template

Setting Up OScommerce 2.2

Free Templates

13 Free OScommerce Templates

Open Source OScommerce Templates

Sunday, September 28, 2008

SSL set up in OScommerce

Help in setup SSL

OScommerce and SSL

OSC answers SSL set up

The SSL In OsCommerce Guide For The Innocent, SSL basics and how to apply to osC

SSL Set Up

Request CSR from your hosting company

You will need this to manage your SSL. Your hosting company may charge you to generate one and could take a while in responding to your request or you may be able to generate one for free from your control panel with the click of a button.

Update Domain Records

Update your domain name information to match the information you submitted for your CSR.

Free SSL for Testing & Development


from network solutions, thwate, verisign, or geotrust

Login and Manage SSL


Send verification information requested by SSL provider

Network Solutions

Wait for them to send you an email with the information that you need to provide them with.

Contact their verification department directly at 877-228-1023 if you have any questions.

OK the SSL & Receive The SSL Files


Send SSL files to hosting company to install

The SSL cert will be installed in a directory on your server along with the chaining certificate if applicable.

They will also install the key they generated.

They will then add certain statements known as directives to your Apache configure files. These tell Apache that the site has SSL encryption certification.

set up guides

networksolutions ssl set up guide

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Outsourcing SEO

Should you outsource any part of your SEO?


Link Building

Local SEO

Getting to Know Local SEO

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Possible Interview Questions

1. Whats is the difference between cellspacing and cellpadding?
2. If a page has to be loaded over all frames in window, what should be the value of TARGET attributes?
3. Which one of the following settlement is correct?
1. A table cannot contain another table
2. A Form can ve nested inside another form
3. Which element are table cells
4. List out tags that are support exclusively by IE and Netscape.
5. What tags are used to embed one html page inside another html page (without using frames)?
6. In dreamweaver what is used to apply same layout to my pages.
7. Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
8. How do you define an inline style?


Give me a description of your general SEO(search engine optimization) experience.
Do you currently do SEO on your own sites and give me some examples. Do you operate any blogs?
Do you currently do any freelance work and do you plan on continuing it?
Where do you think the SEO industry is headed?
What industry sites, blogs, and forums do you regularly read?
Have you attended any search related conferences?
What SEO tools do you regularly use?
What SEO areas are you weak and strong in, and give examples of both.
What areas do you think are currently the most important in organically ranking a site?
Do you have experience in copywriting and can you provide some writing samples?

Monday, March 03, 2008

best way to reset

Take It Easy ?
While this:
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
may be the easiest way. Is it better to be more specific and not include everything?

Less Is More (Work)?
I create a css file to be imported every time called reset.css so it's never been an issue of more "work". I was under the understanding that the * does not have the benefits of being more specific and actually creates more work for the browser.

I will look into this and post my findings here.

Web Design Tools

web design

general lists
Web Developer's Handbook
Top 71 CSS Menus Navigation Tabs
CSS, Photoshop, Design Tutorial Links
Best Sites of the Moment
53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without
50 Beautiful CSS-Based Web-Designs in 2006

banner ad design

Adobe - Flash Player TechNote How to make a Flash movie with a transparent background
Customer Perception Dec 2003
Website Magazine Bringing Back the Banner

blog tools

BlogRolling - The best link manager for your weblog and more!

Macromedia - Developer Center Consistent Web Design with Dreamweaver Templates

Color schemes

+ [ws] Color Scheme Generator 2
Color Schemer - Online Color Scheme Generator


news feeds

RSS Feeds - News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Money, Sports, Tech -


Better Read That Again Web Hoaxes and Misinformation
The Web Developer's Copywriting Guide [Content]


A List Apart Articles Quick CSS Mockups with Photoshop
CSS Button Designer
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CSS Tutorial
Layout Gala a collection of 40 CSS layouts based on the same markup and ready for download!
SkillShare Forum - CSS Beauty - Stretchable DIV Background-Color

design elements Steal These Buttons
best brands of the world - vector logotypes, brand, logo, logotype, logos
Bullet Madness - free bullets project at Stylegala
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Kaliber10000 { The Designers' Lunchbox ™ } » classic » lined
Vector Logo Database

domain admin - whois domain name search & lookup - domain name, Web Site Hosting, email, registration
DNS Stuff DNS tools, DNS hosting tests, WHOIS, traceroute, ping, and other network and domain n
How To Find Out Where A Website Is Hosted [Archive] - vBulletin Community Forum
How to find out where my current website is being hosted
Reverse DNS Lookup -
Whois [2006-11-21]


WhatTheFont MyFonts

Form Generator

Website Contact Form Generator - ASP, PHP, CGI Email Form Scripts


Form Generator


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Logo Pond


Dynamic Drive CSS Library- CSS Image Gallery


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A List Apart Articles Thinking Outside the Grid graphic and web design online portfolio
Silver Lexus 0.9e Theme viewer
Vertigo Enhanced 2.0 Theme viewer


Add Weather To Your Site
Blink text - Real's Javascript How-to - Simple Pop-Under Window
Javascript Examples
Javascript tutorials, scripts, answers, and much more Javascript

logo design

LogoPond - Identity Inspiration


24 ways Flickr Photos On Demand with getFlickr
Batch Processing and Recording Actions in Adobe Photoshop
eleven3, Portland Web Design, Solid CSS Websites, Built Green - Using flickr, magpie, and liteb
Real World Digital Photography Photoshop Actions


Robots Text File - robots.txt


Download details Simple Sharing Extensions for RSS - Javascript Tutorial
Embedded Javascript RSS Translator
Feed Digest Mix, convert, and syndicate RSS and Atom feeds


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Report a Spam Result

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corbis photography, rights, assignment, motion. Flag Icons
Shutterstock Royalty-Free Subscription Stock Photos
Stock Photography, Royalty-free Images, Film Footage and More.

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BlinkBits RSS to JavaScript Converter Tool
Feedroll - Syndicate RSS news feeds on your site
honeybane » home
How to Use RSS Replay in Dreamweaver Layouts -
Lorem Ipsum - All the facts - Lipsum generator
RSS-RDF Converter Convert a Feed - Free RSS-RDF to JavaScript Conversion


Chapter 4 The amazing em unit and other best practices

UK Web Design Standards

HTML validator
UK Web Design Association - HTML Validator
UK Web Design Association - the Web Standards Organisation in the UK

vector illustration

Vectorials - Vector tutorials


contact form

contact form for wordpress - SitePoint Forums
Enhanced WordPress Contactform - Joost de Valk


10 Blogging Mistakes To Avoid « John Chow dot Com

From XHTML-CSS to WordPress The undersigned
WordPress › Planet

International Information

International Dialing Codes
ISO - Maintenance Agency for ISO 3166 country codes - English country names and code elements
Country Abbreviations

DotNetNuke (DNN): An ASP.NET CMS

Here are the bookmarks that have been helping me work with DNN over the past 3 months:

Let's Get It Started
How to install DotNetNuke 4.3.x
DotNetNuke Quick Start Guide Flash Videos | DNN Creative Magazine
Configuring DotNetNuke® before installation
DOT net nuke hosting - Install It! - DotNetNuke

DNN Improvements
How to install the FCKEditor in DotNetNuke. Text Editor.

DNN Modules (aka Plug-Ins, Widgets, Features, Add Ons) : FavIcon by Terence Golla
Give your portals a professional customized appearance by adding a unique favicon file used by Internet Explorer and other browsers to display an icon next to your site URL in the address bar and faviortes folder. FavIcon also includes friendly security URLs like /Login, /Admin and /Logout. : Free Tell A Friend/Social Web Site Module by Eric Shafer
This module allows you to cusomtize a mailto tag and various links and automatically inserts the current page URL. : Testify! 1.0 by
Easily display testimonials, reviews, comments, and quotes on your site in an attractive, professional, and highly flexible manner. : Inventua HrefExchanger for DotNetNuke by Inventua
The Inventua HrefExchanger for DotNetNuke automatically swaps outgoing DotNetNuke URLs for friendly URLs, and incoming URLs for DotNetNuke URLs. : Free 282 W3C Compliant CSS Containers by DotNetNukeContiners
282 Containers in 141 Colors with Preview Images, W3C Compliant, CSS Only, No Images, SEO Search Engine Friendly : Only $10 282 W3C Compliant CSS Containers by DotNetNukeContiners
282 Containers in 141 Colors with Preview Images, W3C Compliant, CSS Only, No Images, Search Engine friendly : MAS.ActionRedirect by Marcelo Sampaio
Tool to manage URL's to be redirected : DNNMasters DNN SEO Pack (PA) by DNNMasters
If you want better Search Engine ranking you need KeepAlive, URL Rewrite, Custom 404 error, Custom Redirect, Friendly URL's. DNNMasters SEO Pack delivers all of it and more!
Ventrian Systems > Resources > Projects > Friendly Urls
DotNetNuke Modules, Skins, Skin Objects

Post to multiple sites

Multiple Website Management Test Home

Inventua Web Site
Sharing Module data across multiple portals? > Nina's DotNetNuke Forums > eXtra Dimensions
Hey guys, I am currently evaluating DNN for a client... One requirement is as follows: I have multiple (parent) Portals. I develop a module that lists some content (for e.g. a list of restaurants and associated reviews of each restaurant).Now, I nee
Modules & Tools
DotNetNuke Modules and other DotNetNuke related downloads.
Installing DotNetNuke Portal for the first time!
Installing dnn for the first time [dotnetnuke] installing dotnetnuke portal for the first time!
multiple portals on same IIS server - ASP.NET Forums
still need help accessing dnn portal - ASP.NET Forums
Managing and Configuring DotNetNuke Portals as a Host Super User
How to manage and configure DotNetNuke portals. Assigning premium modules to a portal. How to configure site log, disk space, file types, skin upload, expiry date for each portal. DNN video tutorial.
Sharing Module data across multiple portals? > Nina's DotNetNuke Forums > eXtra Dimensions
Hey guys, I am currently evaluating DNN for a client... One requirement is as follows: I have multiple (parent) Portals. I develop a module that lists some content (for e.g. a list of restaurants and associated reviews of each restaurant).Now, I nee
EThuongmai > :: Products > Content Sharing > Product Information
DotNetNuke Modules Free Services Development Dot Net
DotNetNuke Portal Templates and the Site Wizard
How to use DotNetNuke Portal Templates and the Site Wizard. Covering creating and exporting a template. Installing a template using the site wizard and automatically when creating a portal. Using templates to transfer data from a localhost installation to a live website. Step by step DNN video tutorial.
Using DotNetNuke Portal Aliases
How to point multiple domain names to a portal. How to use portal alias when transferring a localhost installation to a live website. How to convert a child portal to a parent portal. Video tutorial covering DNN portal alias.
How to create DotNetNuke Portals (Parent and Child), DNN
Video tutorials. How to create parent and child portals using domains and sub-domains on a live website. Configuring DNS Nameserver settings, Host Headers, portal alias, and administering step by step.
DotNetNuke Parent, Child, Multiple Portals
How to create and configure Dot Net Nuke portals. Discussing the multiple portal method. using Parent and Child portals, the differences. Explanations of DNS, IIS, IP, Portal Alias settings. As well as administration functions in DNN.

Skin Ideas

Travel Skin by Dnncovered
DNN Covered
Free Skins > MyFirstSkin
Download DotNetNuke skins for free! No registration required.

DotNetNuke Marketplace - Vitality Skin Pack :: 2 Skins :: 3 Widths 1.0
Vitality Skin Pack :: 2 Skins :: 3 Widths 1.0
DotNetNuke Marketplace - PDA Skin 1.0
PDA Skin 1.0 : Imagination 7 Skins Pack by DnnCovered
Imagination skin pack is a fixed size skin fully eleborate the choice of dynamic business, the contents area is divided into panes such that the user can put contents in any desired format as per market trends. This skin is easy to deploy in DNN 3.x, DNN 4.x versions. : Engage: Adaptive Skin by Engage Software
Designed and developed using pure XHTML/CSS, Includes 4 great color combinations, Two different widths, fixed width at 900px and 100% full width A total of 8 different skins and 6 containers, Compatible with DotNetNuke versions 3.x through 4.x, Search engine friendly, PSD file included
DotNetNuke Marketplace - Professional Skin Pack :: 12 Colours 1.0
Professional Skin Pack :: 12 Colours 1.0
How to create a DotNetNuke CSS skin from an XHTML template – part 1
How to convert a XHTML template to a DotNetNuke skin. Videos explain step by step. Covers creation of content panes, how to create a menu and adding the DotNetNuke tokens. Full adaption demonstrated, so you can convert the 1000s of free templates that are available.
Andreas 01 Free pure CSS DotNetNuke skin
Free DotNetNuke pure CSS XHTML compliant skin, Andreas 01. Download skin for DotNetNuke 4.4+. Comes with free site wizard template to quickly get you started using the skin.
DotNetNuke XHTML CSS free Skin Templates
Free DotNetNuke pure CSS XHTML compliant skin templates. For the latest 4.5+ versions of DNN. Use these free templates to learn css skinning.
Issue 25 – Pure CSS SEO Layouts for DotNetNuke skins
How to create pure CSS SEO xhtml skin layouts. Powerful and advanced techniques to help you beat the competition. Plus multiple skin layout techniques with minimal CSS code. Enhance your DNN skills with these video training tutorials
_DotNetNuke Skin Objects and Container Objects Dynamic Reference
DotNetNuke Skin Objects and Container Objects Dynamic Reference
__Create your first DotNetNuke Skin with Dreamweaver
Tips, tutorials, news, resources and general writing.
DotNetNuke Marketplace - Aurora (24 Skins) 01.00.00
Aurora (24 Skins) 01.00.00
DotNetNuke Marketplace - Aquilon Skin Pack 01.00.00
Aquilon Skin Pack 01.00.00
DotNetNuke CSS Skin Resources > Home
DotNetNuke CSS Skins, Free Skinning Resources and Downloads. All to help you create tableless skins for DNN.
XHTML SKINS > DNN Skins > 1024px
skins for dotnetnuke in valid xhtml
XHTML SKINS > Downloads
skins for dotnetnuke in valid xhtml
Free DotNetNuke Skin
Free DNN skin that uses CSS for the layout. No tables. DotNetNuke skin features accessibility, search engine friendly, print view, browser compatible, fluid design. Learn how to create a CSS skin. Simple Red Leaf Skin.
How to create a skin for DotNetNuke, Video Tutorial DNN
Video Tutorials demonstrating skinning for DotNetNuke. From initial setup to designing with tables, how to package a skin, menu design, xml and css file creation, Testing and releasing the skin.
dnnExperts > Skins / Containers > Optimized DNN 3.0 Skins
DotNetNuke CSS menu, how to configure the HouseMenu
How to install and configure the House of Nuke menu to a DotNetNuke skin. An alternative CSS menu system to the Solpart menu. Video tutorial providing step by step examples and benefits of the HouseMenu.
How to create a pure CSS skin in DotNetNuke - 9 Video Tutorials
DNN Creative Newsletters
How to create resizable text in DotNetNuke - part 10 - 5 Video Tutorials
Podcasting and DotNetNuke all the information you need to set up Podcasting with DNN.
Browser Quirks, Standard Compliance modes and Doc Types for DotNetNuke skins
Skinning. Setting up DotNetNuke for CSS compliance mode. Using XHTML Transitional. Provides a consistent look across the various browsers for your DNN skin.
Create your first DotNetNuke Skin with Dreamweaver
Tips, tutorials, news, resources and general writing.
Erwin Yulianto : Create a Simple DNN Container with CSS (Single Image)


Making DNN Friendly URLs even more friendlier - ASP.NET Forums
How to Redirect a Web Page Using a 301 Redirect
what is a 301 redirect how to implement it
Is Dnn (dotnetnuke) Search Engine Friendly? - High Rankings Search Engine Optimization Forum
SEO forum for anyone looking to learn more about search marketing. For beginner SEOs through advanced. Come hang out with the best search marketers in the biz!
Venexus DotNetNuke Blog - Friday, December 02, 2005
Crafty Code - A Programming Blog
Tales of Technical Head Scratchers, and shared moments of inspiration

Marketing Yourself
Working with Vendors, Banners and Affiliates in DotNetNuke 4.3 and 3.3