Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dental Insurance for NYC Freelancers

There is a list of providers at http://www.dentalplans.com/statesummarynewyork.asp

You would need to create your own comparison chart/spreadsheet based on your needs and fill in as you view each plan individually. A person may know they need to replace something, gets cavities frequently, never get cavities, want to get braces, or have molars that need to be removed. The deductibles and annual fees don't vary much between providers but the pricing of these things do and they are broken down for each plan.

Health Insurance for NYC Freelancers

Judging by the discussion at Freelancer's Union, health insurance is hard to find at both an affordable price and with good benefits. Reading the forum will provide good advice from other freelancer's who have already used FU's services and have done some comparison shopping with other providers.

Freelancers appear to be having problems with the services to be offered by FU in 2009. A discussion from dissatisfied users goes into further details at http://upsetfu.blogspot.com/. Some users in the forum have found that in their particular situation, the cost and benefits works well. Reading specifics of other people's experiences will help you determine what will work for you. Freelancers are discussing other providers, such as...

  • Healthy New York (HNY)
  • FIC
  • Media Bistro

Qualifications for these plans can cause difficulty getting accepted. For example, HNY requires that...

  • income must be less than $2100/ mo
  • must have "lost" insurance (COBRA discontinued) or been without insurance for at least 12 months

Overall forum users are recommending...

  • to not go without insurance (get something while you are still deciding)
  • making sure that you qualify before applying (a non-refundable fee is charged to apply)
  • do not purchase the dental insurance through Freelancer's Union because the cost outweighs the benefits

Freelance Switch does a good job at explaining your health insurance options as a freelancer.  Some are what has been mentioned above as well as a few additional ones.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Gathering Stats about A Company

Sites you can use to gather stats about your company...


Friday, November 14, 2008

How to create a Design Playlist

Hear about a new site that features good design - a good one with unique content that really stands out?

I did...

Then I googled it.

When you google "grain edit", you get a list of sites to check out:

  1. The actual site: Grain Edit - someone who collects design
  2. Unplggd - home tech design
  3. a new flickr profile to explore: http://www.flickr.com/people/grainspace/
  4. Design Sponge - design blog
  5. Josh Spear - trend spotting
  6. ISO50 - designer portfolio and personal blog
  7. BestWebGallery - web design gallery site
  8. workalicious - a work space blog

A good mix of various design sites. They all will bring you to lots of other sites if you have several hours to kill. Some were new to me, some were sites that I visit regularly, and all were sites that if I never heard of, I would be glad I did.  I think I may try this again although I guess it would be the same as going through someone's bookmarks-another thing I rarely do.

Googling "link: www.grainedit.com" just brought up another site...

Found which led to....

Sam Pott's Brooklyn Superhero Supply

Writing A Review

here is an example of a paid review written for reviewme.com at http://www.mydigitallife.info/2007/01/06/review-wireflycom-and-free-mobile-cell-phones/

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Theme Forest