Thursday, February 22, 2007


"Although many people automatically think about people with some sort of physical impairment when accessibility is mentioned, the term actually refers to a Web site that is open to all. Even visitors with old equipment, tiny monitors, slow modems, and screen readers can use accessible Web sites.What happens when a designer considers how the page will look to all visitors? The usability level of the site increases, as does visitor satisfaction - and hopefully repeat visitors. You don't have to design an ugly site geared towards the lowest common denominator. Just put some thought into how the site looks in configurations other than your own.If you assume that "everyone" has a huge monitor running at the highest possible resolution or other cutting edge equipment, then you could be locking out well over half of your visitors. Why not invite them in instead?"

Providing text equivalents for non-text elements in the form of an alt or longdesc tag

30 days to a more accessible web site

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