Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Finding Inspiration On the Internet

I've been adding artists, web designers, and websites that have something that I liked that gave me inspiration. I just noticed that I listed someone twice. It's not hard to do when the list gets as long as it has but it's sign that I've come full circle surfing through the same repeat content. I'm going to visit my list and take time on each site and document what I like. Some of these people may have already redesigned by now.
The ornate stuff is cute. I like it when it's used for woman's fashion sites.

I've been visiting this site since 2003 and watching it transform. It's one of the first portfolio sites I stumbled upon while in school. I think I just have a personal interest in seeing a portfolio site change as time goes on. Let's see what wayback machine has to offer us...

Before I saw his portfolio (2002):

Oct 2003 when I first saw his portfolio:


This reminds me of vintage fabrics.

I like multiple things about this:

  • white circular diagram

  • layering transparent boxes over texture over picture without overkill and decreasing readability

  • white text with small-caps and orange-red background on orange on yellow-orange is very, very powerful

I liked the folders either the colors or to use as tabs on something.

Shoulda documented these:

If I only had some screen shots to prevent these problems....

I don't know why I bookmarked these:

These won't even load: (This is the person I listed twice.)

dugged :) !!!!

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